
Expeditions - Photos
Birder since 2020 - 6117 Points
34 Expeditions → 2557 Points

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11 Places → 500 Points

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87 Species

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List of species found

Australasian Darter, Australasian Grebe, Australasian Magpie, Australian Hobby, Australian Ibis, Australian Kestrel, Australian Pelican, Australian Reed-Warbler, Australian Shelduck

Bell Miner, Black Swan, Black-shouldered Kite, Blue-billed Duck, Brown Thornbill
Chestnut Teal, Common Bronzewing, Common Miner, Common Myna, Common Sandpiper, Crested Pigeon
Dusky Moorhen
Eastern Rosella, Eastern Spinebill, Eastern Yellow Robin, Eurasian Blackbird, Eurasian Coot, European Goldfinch, European Greenfinch, European Starling
Fairy Martin, Freckled Duck
Galah, Golden-headed Cisticola, Gray Butcherbird, Gray Currawong, Gray Fantail, Gray Teal, Great Cormorant, Great Crested Tern, Great Egret
Hoary-headed Grebe, House Sparrow
Latham's Snipe, Laughing Kookaburra, Little Black Cormorant, Little Cormorant, Little Grassbird, Little Lorikeet, Little Pied Cormorant, Little Raven, Little Wattlebird, Long-billed Corella
Magpie-lark, Maned Duck, Masked Lapwing, Musk Lorikeet
New Holland Honeyeater, Noisy Miner
Pacific Black Duck, Peregrine Falcon, Pied Cormorant, Pied Currawong, Pied Stilt, Purple Swamphen
Rainbow Lorikeet, Red Wattlebird, Red-browed Firetail, Red-rumped Parrot, Rock Pigeon, Royal Spoonbill, Rufous Night-Heron
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, Silver Gull, Silver-eye, Spotted Dove, Straw-necked Ibis, Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, Superb Fairywren, Swamp Harrier
Welcome Swallow, White-browed Scrubwren, White-eyed Duck, White-faced Heron, White-plumed Honeyeater, Willie-wagtail
Yellow Thornbill, Yellow-rumped Thornbill

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