
Expeditions - Photos
Birder since 2021 - 1368 Points
26 Expeditions → 168 Points

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25 Places → 1000 Points

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30 Species

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Averla piccola

Balestruccio, Beccafico, Biancone
Capovaccaio, Cardellino, Cavaliere d'Italia, Cicogna bianca, Cigno reale, Codirosso spazzacamino
Falco di palude, Falco pescatore, Fringuello
Gallo cedrone, Garzetta, Gazza, Gheppio, Ghiandaia, Gracchio alpino, Grifone, Grillaio, Gruccione
Nibbio reale
Passera Europea
Rondine, Rondine montana
Venturone alpino, Verdone

3 Countries 200 Points

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