
Expeditions - Photos
Birder since 2019 - 4291 Points
GWinfield is a place expert: Heath Ct (71 expeditions since 2019)
71 Expeditions → 2771 Points

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66 Species

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Abelharuco-colorido, Abibe-mascarado, Açor-marrom-listrado, Açor-variável, Açor-vermelho, Andorinhão-mongol, Australasian Figbird, Australasian Magpie, Australian Koel, Azure Kingfisher

Baza-de-cabeça-cinzenta, Bell Miner, Biguá-alvinegro-pequeno, Biguazinho-preto, Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike, Boca-de-sapo-australiano
Cacatua-corella-pequena, Cacatua-de-crista-amarela, Cacatua-galah, Cacatua-negra-de-cauda-amarela, Channel-billed Cuckoo, Corvo-australiano, Cotovia-bicolor, Currawong-malhado
Garça-branca-grande, Garça-branca-intermédia, Garça-de-cara-branca, Garça-de-pescoço-branco, Garca-vaqueira, Gray Butcherbird, Íbis-branco-australiano
Lewin's Honeyeater, Little Lorikeet, Lóris-verde-de-peito-escamosos
Melífago-barulhento, Melífago-de-faces-azuis, Milhafre-de-rabo-quadrado, Milhafre-preto
Noisy Friarbird
Olive-backed Oriole
Pássaro-chicote-oriental, Pato-carolino, Pato-de-sobrancelhas, Pavão, Periquito-rei-australiano, Peru-do-mato-australiano, Pheasant Coucal, Pomba-lofote, Pombinha-de-wonga, Pombinha-nuca-rosa
Rainbow Lorikeet, Rola-asa-de-bronze, Rola-da-china, Rosela-multicolorida, Rosela-pálida
Sacred Kingfisher, Savacu-canela, Southern Boobook, Spangled Drongo, Spotted Pardalote
Western Whipbird, White-breasted Woodswallow, White-eared Honeyeater

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