
Expeditions - Photos
Birder since 2019 - 636 Points
17 Expeditions → 116 Points

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14 Places → 500 Points

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28 Species

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Carriça, Chapim-azul, Common Buzzard, Coruja-do-mato
Escrevedeira-amarela, Eurasian Magpie
Felosa de Bonelli, Felosa-comum
Galo-lira, Great Tit
Melro-d'água, Melro-das-rochas, Melro-preto, Merganso-grande, Milhafre-preto, Milhafre-real
Peneireiro-vulgar, Pica-pau-verde, Pintassilgo, Pisco-de-peito-ruivo
Tentilhão-comum, Torcicolo, Trepadeira-azul
White Wagtail

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